Thursday, November 16, 2006

Time Will Tell

When contemplative reflections show us for what we have become, one individual worries about the adverse effect on our economy...not really.

Some people constantly do it. Some for good. To improve their lives, to reflect upon their past, their decisions and determine a course of action for improving their health and well being, as well as their overall satisfaction in life.
Some people don't do it for good. They don't sit down and ponder and brainstorm ways to increase their happiness. For some people its something they can't control. A product of the equation of unhappiness, sometimes emotionally increased by feelings of failure and non accomplishment.
I've been wondering lately. Thinking about the way I am, the way I have become. The things that have made me what I am. How I've dealt with situations. The way in which I've changed. What I've done to myself in order to cope with the changing situation at hand.

I seriously believe I analyse things too much. Now I'm analysing the spell checker because its telling me that 'analyse' is spelt wrong. But back to the purpose of this blog. I think too much. Even about my own actions, behaviours, thoughts, feelings, reactions. While me revealing the inner depths of my mind would produce a fascinating read I don't think I'm ready to open up to everyone, let alone anyone.

Only time will tell where this is all going to end. Whether emotions will be boxed and thoughts concealed. Created and shaped by the perceptions of others and their ability to transcribe a particular reaction in you.
Everything that has a beginning, has an end. Every person has a function. But in an era where time has become our greatest enemy, ends can be drawn too soon and functions disillusioned by constraint after constraint.

This sounds like such a depressing blog. It was not my intention. More a look at the cynical side of what modern life has created in us.


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