Monday, October 09, 2006

So It Begins

Today was one of the worst days of Uni I've had for a while.
Tourism Law finished 105 minutes early. I think Rolf (lecturer/tutor) was cut or something.
That left me with about 4 hours of time to kill before Sociology. Boring. Maybe that's why I feel so flat today.
I was falling to sleep on the train home (not good) and didn't wake up properly at home. So anyway, fast forward to 30 mins ago...

I went to Safeway to buy some Vitamin E as I'm sure commercialism and the use of marketing has gotten to my head and makes me believe I need 2 per day to be alert. I also bought some of those microwaveable soup packs for work. I'm over sandwiches and I'm too tight to buy lunch every day at Southbank!
So I drove past Maccas on the way home as I have to do, and I saw Chris in a black shirt. WTF! So I went in. They all seemed happy to see me it was so funny. Poor kids. Chris is a manager (why Chris why??), and I got Holly's number again. Woot! But was kinda cool to see some old friendly faces. It really was, that wasn't sarcastic.

Start my new position tomorrow. Yes I have been promoted and taken out of the subscriptions department and am now in Customer Service. Training is basically anytime I'm not at Uni which leaves less time to do homework. I have a weekly timetable set up now. Is that normal for a 20 year old? But don't get me wrong, I'm happy, I'm excited. I get bored easily. Some of you know this.

I also received my final invoice for my trip. I'm so pumped for it I can't wait. January 3 really isn't that far away when you think about first overcoming the semester, then exams, then it's easy until Christmas when BAM! I'll be ready to go.

Well I best be off to do some homework. Tonight it's some Employment Law tutorial questions and an article for Sociology. So tired but must push on.

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