Sunday, October 29, 2006



Well what a week.
I'm so tired. Not having time to bludge, and just relax. Although always having something to do is keeping me in a great routine. Up early every morning for work or uni. Except now UNI CLASSES ARE OVER. Wooo.
I actually just finished redrafting an essay after the teacher said I didn't do enough of my own research. Umm whatever. So I don't really care about that. Its done thats all I care about it.

Bought a great new tshirt yesterday too. Its go good ol' Uncle Sam pointing the finger and saying FUCK YOU. I love it. Dad doesn't, but isn't that the point?

My aptly named blog today is referring to the 2 me's. The other side of me has been suppressed of late. I'm calling him Luke, the dormant side of my personality driven by desire and rage and anger. I could feel it coming through the other day while I had every little fucking Footscray creature cutting me off and walking slowly and stopping. lol. I tried to induce it but I couldn't which just weakens the argument that I'm just an idiot. I believe it's real, even if no one else does.

Also, I thought I came down with Campylobacter Food Poisoning the other night. Chicken should have been fine but it was actually RAW in one bit. It was one of those Chicken Kiev's you buy frozen and put in the oven. Yes, after 45 minutes it was still raw. I'm not trusting anything like that again. So for the next 24 hours I was worried I might start vomiting or getting a fever or coming down with paralysis. Yes thats a symptom I found it on the Net ;)

2 Months to go until my trip. I'm so pumped. One month to go until I find out WHERE and WHAT I'm doing for the first two weeks. Some volunteer work. I kinda hope we're gonna be in Mexico, or anywhere where winter aint that bad. lol.

Well I better go, maybe I should start my next essay. Or just relax for once. I have a day off tomorrow, maybe that will be essay day.


Homework status:
1 essay
2 exams.

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